The force that implements the law of light C^2 is the energy E .
If this energy is not active , there is also no physical existence , there is no space , there is no time.
This law of light C^2 is an eternal law , existing by the logic of eternal wisdom .
This law will eternally perform its logic , the energy E will eternally exist.
G the counterpart of C^2 is equally eternal , for it will oppose C^2 eternally.
There is an energy E , a force that is needed. That is, there is an opposition. (action <> reaction).
The opponent of E (which develops speed and space) is µ (the tool that G uses
which also has a logical existence) that pursues the state of nothingness.
Using µ as a tool, G will eliminate the energy of light E eternally.
Because of the existence of both logical laws ( G C^2 ) with their tools ( µ E )
the universe will have eternal physical existence.
By acting on each other ( G and C^2 ) the properties of C^2 are truncated so that the
speed of light is not infinite , “but has a number” .
There is by the action of G and C^2 a space in which C^2 has a certain speed
depending on the force of C^2 and the counter-reaction of G . C^2 / G
Their tools relate proportionately E / µ
Matter must behave according to the laws C^2 / G so E / µ
If we take E = matter * C^2 then m = E / C^2 m = m
µ = matter * G m = µ / G E / C^2 = µ / G
It follows that E / µ = C^2 / G
In a dimension C^2 / G, the value of the ratios in matter
E / µ must be the same.
C^2 / G = 1.346595E+021
E / µ = 1.346595E+021
Therefore, I say that our dimension is equal to 1.346495E+21
It follows that C^2 = ( E / µ ) * G
E = m * C^2
µ = m * G
From this µ = G * ( E / C^2 )
If in any dimension (C^2 / G) the energy E is greater then in response µ is also greater.
Wherein we see that µ is a reaction to the energy E of light.
Matter will enlarge.
With a push, matter will not enlarge but E will express itself in velocity.
Here we can speak of M Mass = matter + velocity
At standstill, M Mass = m matter
For our earth
Two formulas . E = m * C^2 = 5.36753345E+35
µ = m * G = 3.9860044E+14
If E = 0 then there is no matter m = E / C^2 = 0 / C^2
If µ = 0 then there is no matter m = µ / G = 0 / G
E and µ must both be in matter , otherwise there is no matter.
They are both present in the correct proportion as the dimension C^2 / G indicates.
C^2 = 8.99E+10
G = 6.6726E-11
Mass earth = 5.9722E+24 kg
E earth = m earth * C^2 = 5.9722E+24 * 8.99E+10 = 5.369E+35
µ earth = m earth * G = 5.9722E+24 * 6.6726E-11 = 3.985E+14
These are the quantities of both E and µ
needed to form the m (matter) of the earth.
m earth = E earth / C^2 = 5.369E+35 / 8.99E+10 = 5.972E+24
Is the mass that can be created with this amount of E + an appropriate
amount µ .
m earth = µ earth / G = 3.985E+14 / 6.6726E-11 = 5.972E+24
Is the mass that can arise with this amount µ + an appropriate
amount of E.
One can use both E and µ to calculate the mass of the earth.
The DIMENSION in which this matter is located is
C^2 / G =8.99E+10 / 6.6726E-11 = 1.346595E+021
E / µ = 5.369E+35 / 3.985E+14 = 1.346595E+021
In this system, the speed of light = 299792.458 km/s
the highest possible speed
The speed of light measured in a given system is the highest possible speed
in that system.